Science Technology Engineering Mathematics History Thought Belief The Modern World
The aims here are:
a) to present students with a picture of how the complex human world today had its origin several million years ago in a time when the ancestors of modern humans had little to differentiate them from other primates living at the time and the earth was a wilderness planet without an evolved intelligent species,
b) to present students with a fairly comprehensive picture of how all the various features of the present complex human world developed between that time and the present.
The picture of the early history of humans could include:
Common Ancestry with Chimpanzees and Bonobos,
First Human Ancestors ~ 2.8 Million Years Ago,
Subsequent Physical Evolution,
Subsequent Spread over the Earth,
First Appearance Of Modern Humans ~ 200,000 Years Ago,
Behavioral Modernity ~ 70,000 Years Ago,
Extinct Species Related to Modern Humans,
Migration to South Asia ~ 50,000 Years Ago,
Migration to Australia and Europe ~ 40,000 Years Ago,
Accelerated Human Evolution in the Last 10,000 Years.
The picture presented should not just cover the changes that happened over time, but should also give some idea what life was like for humans at various times and in various places in the past. This could include, as far as can be determined, descriptions of life in:
- various hunter-gatherer communities,
- various early settled farming/fishing communities,
- various early city states,
- various early extensive civilizations/empires,
- various recent civilizations.
Finally, the picture presented should explain the origin, essentially from nothing or almost nothing, of all major aspects of the modern human world, including:
The Changing Physical Appearance of Humans,
Hunting and Gathering,
Dwelling Places,
Plant Cultivation,
Animal Domestication,
Tools, Implements and Weapons,
Population Growth,
Speech and Language,
Music and Musical Instruments,
Developments in Religious Beliefs,
Ideas, Thought and Philosophy,
Roads and Transport,
Sailing and Ships,
The Struggle for Survival,
War and Conflict,
Developments in Health Care,
Work and Professions,
Technology and Machines,
Science and Knowledge,
Growth of Towns and Cities,
Development of Money,
Developments in Social and Political Structures.